best of all worlds #32

Unfortunately lately I’ve been a little lazy with my podcasts… but no matter, back on track and here is number 32! This week I’ve decided to feature a few of my favourites from the latest Kaidi Tatham project titled “kaidi’s 5five“. This mini album is fantastic; moog bass lines, the sounds of rhodes piano and …


best of all worlds #31

So far this has been an awful year; war, a big earthquake in Japan, revolutions in the middle east, famine in East Africa, worldwide recession, volcanoes exploding, and just recently, to top it up, massive riots in London; burning buildings, looting… what’s happening??? so much anger, so much civil unrest and unhappiness in the world… not sure if I missed anything, but I definitely started loosing sight of the good …


best of all worlds #30

In this weeks podcast, I featured some of my favourites from the new Paper Plane Project album titled “Pacific Connection” on Cardboard City… The album is absolutely fantastic… over all, it has a laid back old school hiphop feel to it… you would really appreciate this album on a sunny Sunday afternoon, unfortunately we don’t get a lot of those …
