best of all worlds #9

Here’s the latest best of all worlds podcast, recorded it yesterday, and only posting it now.  I didn’t have time, loads was happening in London today…  So, I usually feature an album in each edition, unfortunately no album in this edition.  But out of all the tracks I played, I can say the recent 12 …


boaw special #1 – Only 10 Dusty 45s

I was going through some old files on my computer and I stumbled upon a set of mine which I recorded ages ago… The  title, “Only 10 Dusty 45s” is pretty self explanatory I guess, but just in case, it’s a 30 minute set, including music from Consumer Rapport, The O’Jays, James Brown, A Taste Of …


best of all worlds #8

It’s been a while since the last edition of best of all worlds, clearly not keeping up with my podcast schedule, the truth is; I was on holiday, slacking off under the sun, pressing red buttons for service…  Anyways, the new edition is ready and I’ve got loads of great music for you.  The highlight …
